The proposed Adani mine complex in Queensland’s Galilee Basin has become Australia’s major environmental and Indigenous rights flash point. Federal and state governments, the fossil fuel industry, Traditional Owners, and activists are engaged in a bitter stand-off, each hoping they will prevail. But with arguments for the mine being tossed around like confetti, and much deceit and ethical blindness, the Coalition Government and Labor Opposition, alongside State Labor in Queensland, have largely ignored the science, particularly relating to the impact of coal extraction on climate change. (This ignorance also extends to the law which, in mining impact assessment cases, does not factor in climate change.) Indeed, the Turnbull government regards coal as pivotal to the nation’s long term “energy mix”, which also includes “unconventional” gas production, as well as clean energy supply.
This approach is both perverse and dangerous. Coal is an investment fizzer. Its main supporters are the fossil fuel industry, and a gaggle of right wing politicians and business people with questionable ethics. The Adani project, if it goes ahead, will be the nation’s biggest coal complex, even though it is actively opposed by scientists and science-informed environmentalists because of the threat it poses to the Galilee Basin and especially the Great Barrier Reef, including the 60,000 jobs and $6 billion annual income generated by this once pristine natural wonder. This threat to the reef is both direct – dredging and spoil impacts on the marine environment –and indirect – exacerbated global warming from burning the coal (in India) with the climate feedback loop hitting the reef even harder.
Killer coal
Threatening jobs and income is one thing, killing people is another. But that’s precisely what the mine will do to tens of thousands of people around the world.
Pollutants from burning coal are deadly. Estimates drawn from global comparative data reveal that pollutants from burning Adani coal could kill up to 13,000 people annually and about 500,000 over the lifetime of the mine.
But it may be worse; a lot worse. Consider for example, the impact on India where most of the Adani coal will be exported. In a recent article published in The Lancet, researchers estimated that currently 1.1 million Indians die each year from ambient air pollution. About half of these deaths are caused by coal burning for power. Based on this India-specific data, the Adani coal could kill an additional 35,000 people annually and 1.4 million people over the life-time of the Carmichael mine.
Adani’s potential contribution to the global death toll adds to an even grimmer picture.
According to the World Health Organisation, there are about 7 million deaths each year from air pollution (notably from fine carbon particulates and nitrogen oxides). The independent environmental research organisation, DARA, estimates that about 0.4 million people die annually from anthropogenic climate change, but this figure is probably conservative given that 17 million people die each year from deprivation in tropical or sub-tropical ‘developing’ countries (minus China) that are already impacted by human-made climate change. Presently in northern Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia and Yemen around 20 million people are facing famine and mass starvation in this climate change- and war-impacted region, with women and children most at risk.
On a global level, leading climate scientists predict that only 0.5 billion people will survive this century if anthropogenic climate change is not requisitely addressed. In other words, about 10 billion deaths are forecast this century, overwhelmingly in developing countries, if climate change is not properly addressed.
According to the World Coal Association, global production of coal in 2013 was 7,823 million tonnes, of which 336 million tonnes were Australian coal exports. It is estimated that pollutants from the burning of this coal for energy or metallurgy purposes are associated with about 1.75 million outdoor pollution-related deaths per annum. From this global comparative data, we can crudely estimate that pollutants from the burning of Australia’s annual coal exports of 336 million tonnes would be associated with 75,000 global deaths per year.
Slow violence
A key caveat to this argument is that coal burning pollutants do not kill immediately – as with the effects of pollutants from cigarette smoking, the deadly outcomes may occur decades later. This is a form of slow violence. Carbon fuel burning has been increasing rapidly as reflected in rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, as measured by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at Mauna Loa in Hawaii since 1960. Atmospheric CO2 is now a record circa 405 parts per million (ppm) and is increasing at a record 3 ppm per year. Accordingly, the present 7 million air pollution deaths annually may under-estimate the eventual future annual death toll due to present air pollution.
Polls around the world show that citizens, including those in Australia, are deeply concerned about greenhouse gas pollution, consequent human-made global warming and an escalating climate emergency. They’re right to be concerned. The implications for the environment are horrendous. In addition to wreaking havoc on ecosystems, rising carbon emissions will result in higher levels of human morbidity (sickness) and mortality (death).
Currently, India burns 924 million tonnes of coal each year. Assuming the total of 2,300 million tonnes of Adani coal to be exported will go to India and that 50 percent of ambient air pollution in India is due to coal-fired power generation (as asserted by major India media outlets), it is estimated that Indian deaths due to combustion of Adani coal over the lifetime of the Adani project will total 1.4 million.
Australia is among the world leaders in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and has been ranked by the German Climate Watch Index as second only to Saudi Arabia for climate change inaction. With 0.3 percent of the world’s population, Australia has a domestic plus exported GHG pollution equivalent to 4.4 percent of the world’s total. Many Australians will surely be utterly repulsed by the long-term prospect of 1,400,000 Indian deaths due to the Australian Government-approved export and burning of Adani coal over the next 4 decades.
Perhaps this moral dilemma would be clearer to Australians if, like Canada, we were exporting deadly asbestos to India.
Polya, G. “Latest Lancet Data Imply Adani Australian Coal Project Will Kill 1.4 Million Indians”, Countercurrents, 21 April 2017: .“Stop air pollution deaths”:
*Dr Gideon Polya was formerly a Reader in Biochemistry at La Trobe University, Melbourne, and Dr Richard Hil is Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Human Services and Social Work, Griffith University, Gold Coast.
Our thanks go to Peter Brennan, Kristen Lyons and Anthony Esposito for their comments on an earlier draft of this article.
Adrian Burragubba & Murrawah Johnson honoured
Leaders of Indigenous resistance to the Adani mine, Adrian Burragubba and Murrawah Johnson, have been honoured as Australian Activist of the Year by the Ngara Institute, which "puts people, communities and the planet before increasingly predatory capitalism. We offer an intellectual and engaging space to critically reflect on how we can achieve a more just, peaceful and sustainable world based on the common good rather than private interest".
Hiding something?
Early this morning (7 July) we broke front page news exposing the Government’s attempt to hide important data on pollution.
Heavily redacted documents ACF obtained through a freedom of information request showed that the Turnbull Government withheld national climate pollution data.
Why? Well, it seems they had something to hide. In Paris, Australia joined the rest of the world setting targets to reduce pollution. The government promises they'll meet the targets. The data tells a different story.
By lunchtime today, the government backed down and released the data.
As we suspected, pollution is going up.
It’s time to stop pussy-footing around! Our elected representatives have an urgent responsibility to stop companies burning polluting fuels and instead harvest all our energy from sun and wind.
That’s why we’re launching our powerful new campaign to #Repower Australia with 100% clean energy.
Will you take the first step to be part of it by signing the Repower Australia petition now?
The good news in the data finally released today is that, although pollution is going up across almost all sectors of the economy, in the electricity sector it’s slightly down. This is thanks to renewable energy starting to replace the most polluting brown coal.
Right now, it’s time to ramp up clean energy, not fund new coal. There are better ways to power our lives than burning polluting fuels.
It’s a choice. Government decisions about how we spend public money are decisions about what we value.
Not only are they proposing a one billion dollar public handout for Adani’s polluting mine, there’s also a push to publicly fund a new coal-burning power plant in Queensland – the sunniest state in Australia.
Are they kidding?
As the dust settles around the Finkel report it’s clear that we have work to do to put global warming back on the agenda. Policy that gives special treatment for coal won’t make pollution go down.
This is about the air we breathe, the water we drink and the planet we call home.
Like #StopAdani, #Repower is a huge, collaborative movement driven by people power and multiple allies. Because when we work together we can cut through and change things.
Add your quick signature to the Repower Australia petition now.
Gavan McFadzean
Climate Change Program Manager
Australian Conservation Foundation
P.S. On The Project tonight at 6.30pm, you might see our fearless CEO, Kelly O’Shanassy discussing the pollution data that was exposed and our beautiful Great Barrier Reef.
P.P.S. Meanwhile today, South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill took up Elon Musk’s offer to fix SA’s energy problems in “100 days or it’s free.” The world’s largest lithium ion battery will store energy from the Neoen wind farm. SA is getting on with it.
MORE INFORMATION Government ‘keeping almost a year’s worth of pollution data secret’
Brisbane times: FOI documents confirm government holding almost one year's worth of pollution data